Liberalism vs Multiculturalism - Insight into the Fundamental Concepts and Relationships Liberalizam vs. multikulturalizam - uvid u temeljne pojmove i odnose

Dublin Core


Liberalism vs Multiculturalism - Insight into the Fundamental Concepts and Relationships Liberalizam vs. multikulturalizam - uvid u temeljne pojmove i odnose


HODŽIĆ, Dželaludin


Paper refers to Liberalism and Multiculturalism as normative theories. Over the basic ideas of those theories goal is to make an introduce/overview of main interactions and influences. As result of interactions between Liberalism and Multiculturalism there are a lot of different concepts on social relations and on Individuality, Community, Freedom, Rights, Equality and Good Life as part of discussion that is not only in focus of Academic community but in focus of those who we know as policy makers or decision makers. It seems that the discussion on those topics as we mentioned will stay open and maintaine crucial influence on the future architecture of social relations and status of basic questions that are in core of the discussion. Sažetak: Rad se bavi liberalizmom i multikulturalizmom kao normativnim teorijama. Preko temeljnih pojmova kojima se koriste i problemskog područja zajedničkog, objema teorijama u radu se nastoji ponuditi uvid u njihove složene odnose i utjecaje. Ti odnosi za rezultat imaju mnoštvo različitih koncepcija uređenja društvenih odnosa koji se tiču individue, zajednice, slobode, prava, dobrog života, jednakosti kao dio rasprava koje nisu u fokusu pažnje isključivo akademske zajednice već i onih u čijim su rukama mehanizmi moći i odlučivanja. Čini se kako će takve rasprave još dugo važiti za otvorene i izvršiti presudan utjecaj na buduću arhitekturu društvenih odnosa i status temelnjnih pitanja koja (pitanja) rasprava u sebi sadrži.




ISSN 2303-5706


Social Sciences Research Center of International Burch University





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